lol i love thes!!Its soooo hard lol i alwayes many q r there???
lol i love thes!!Its soooo hard lol i alwayes many q r there???
GREAT i got far in thes and i know ure making a stranded2 u sayed so on another site lol cant wait
lol thes was great!!!1 but there is a problem.... i got sechond place on high scores and it doesnt say i did.....
I KNEW U WERE GOING TO MAKE A NEW ONE I JUST COUDNT WAIT!!!:D yayayaayayayay iam happy i barly died and i got all codes wooot plasma sword was fun but basiclly a sword beats a gun no way so maybe u should make a plasma gun it would make it funner seeing them being blown up far away instead of getting hit while doing it..... welll that is ll i got to say cant wait tell number 3 :) but iam said that u said it well take some time.......:(bye
yayayayay i did it!!! finally my third try lol but still lol also wrath was really easy lol if u hade 30srt lolso i won with i think 5 health anybody can beat thes lol DONT LOOOOK FOR SPOILERS THOSE PEOPLE R IDIOTS IT RUINS GAME!!!! I HATE IT!!!
god but..................
well it wa kinda boring and it looked like the guys from wat was it um i think it was dan paladin i think well other then that it was fun
omg it wasted my time doing thes game first lvl was fun but the sechond how the heck r u suspose to kill those huge guys! the impossible i didnt even get up!i say thes game was a waste of time!
20 out of 10!
thes is way more good then jack french 1# i found the easter eggs and i did thes is 10 minutes.yes i am drinking coffie not decaffe but wooooow thes was fun!!!!!
tis the season to be killed lalalalalalalahahahhahahahahah ahahaha
best game ever!
well to me its the best shooting game I HAVE EVER PLAYED!!!!!!!!
PLZ make a NEW one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wow...the part with the guy on the top of the room was alittle tooooo much.but every thing else is good the voices were good too
klnjfklnafsnfasnjsdf njlkdfasjkhbkujfuhtr lhkujgtydxrseyrgyhug yftstyedtruguyftjd6r tfytyftydtufytyftfyt gykyftgkghjgghjygghj gffytsyrtesyrtrtyyut ytuioufydtiurtuiytui oyyftdyrtdrsrtsrtstr sdtr
Age 31, Male
Joined on 12/9/06